Whats been happening.
Last week i received an awesome delivery of Stampin Up products. Which was great timing cos my hubby was away for the weekend and i got to have a little play. My gorgeous SIL has finally made a decision on her wedding invites so i have now been very busy making these. My gorgeous children were great all weekend, we had fun playing soccer, games and having visitors come over. I really am a very lucky mum....they even got to sleep in bed with mum which is a nice treat when dad is away.We love to have a cuddle! Little Noosh even asked "Hey mum can you ask dad to sleep on the lounge so we can sleep in your bed again tonight" he then had a little chuckle as he waited for the answer ....TOO CUTE!!!
Hubby had a great weekend away which is very good cos he needed a little holiday, hes been working very hard. So was good to hear he had fun.
School holidays have been fun as they have let us all sleep in, stay in pj's to all hours of the day and lounge around like lizards...or play the Wii if you are my children. They have had ball spending time with grandparents too. Hope to go to the movies this week and maybe a visit to the park. Lets see how the weather holds out !!
Ciao XX
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